Change of Course Application

Continuing students who wish to change courses must submit their application form at least 1 week prior to the next Block commencing and must have no pending grades.

You can submit your application here

New students must submit their application form 4 weeks prior to the commencement of their course. A change of course will be permitted once unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Students who have completed subjects under the old course may or may not be eligible for advanced standing into the new course. This will be assessed on a case by case basis.

Depending on the number of subjects granted as advanced standing, the duration of the Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) may vary from the duration on the original CoE. A new CoE will be issued once the change of course is approved.

A$200.00 processing fee will apply for all change of course requests. The change of course will not be processed until the payment is finalised.

For further information on the change of course process, refer to the Fees and Charges Policy and Procedure.

Please contact Student Services ( if you have any further queries regarding this form.
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